The Wilpons vs. Jacob Degrom(and the world)

The Mets organization never seems to amaze me.

With the flutter of excitement floating around the 2019 Mets, they always seem to make the headlines in such a depressing manner.

Everyday it seems top level players our receiving extensions. The young and elite mixed with the established veterans are getting paid each day. One person waiting on his payday is the reigning Cy Young award winner and best pitcher in baseball.

Baseball is a business and part of the game. Trying to establish a level playing field in negotiations is fair but we are well past this point. We are at a point where talks have gone long enough. People we do not want to feel disrespected are feeling…disrespected.

Shame on the Wilpons for allowing talks with Degrom to drag out. The last thing you want to do is upset your star talent. Not only does this effect Degroms feelings toward the franchise but it shows potential free agent suitors the way they go about business.

The Wilpons continue to play this waiting game and it will continue to get worse. It seems everyday a new player receives the big bucks. Everytime this happens it will effect the Mets, as Degrom will want to be paid with the elites and rightfully so.

My message to the Wilpons….

Grow a set of balls and man the fuck up. You are lucky this man is even entertaining the thought of playing for your sloppy franchise. Pay the man who gives you more than you ever can pay him. You owe this to the team and more importantly you owe it to the fans. Year after year the dedicated fans pour there heart and soul into this team. They deserve a winning product for the long haul. GET THIS SHIT DONE.